Monday, July 15, 2024

Making Sense and Nonsense of the Trump assassination attempt

I have read Democrat leaning commentators try to blame Trump and followers for the attack ("They promote violence"). I have read Republican leaners blame liberals, (They have portrayed Trump as evil to be destroyed.) 

At this point I don't believe we know whether the attacker was politically motivated or mentally unbalanced (or both). I think the commentary is jumping the gun - but in any event, we do live in a violent and polarized society. I have heard Republican types refer to Biden, Pelosi, etc as evil. Are they promoting assassination attempts or is it political rhetoric?

Come on!

However, I did read one comment today I would like to address from Crisis Magazine

The attack on President Trump was an attack against those who believe in the sanctity of life, the gift of liberty, and the divinity of love. Leftwing politics and its votaries are taking up the final form of their mounting hatred: murder. And Catholics have a duty to seize this moment in solidarity against the influences and forces that would tear down—now, gun down—their political opponents.

Did I miss something? Hasn't President Trump been campaigning to make abortion legal and the law of the land for the first 16 weeks of pregnancy? Hasn't President Trump forced the marriage between one man and one woman plank out of the Republican party platform? I don't think his economic policies promote family and productivity in the home. (Biden is the same or worse on these issues.)

It seems ironic that we have to find new ways to justify supporting President Trump as he abandons conservative and Catholic values.

Oremus pro invicem!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
