Thursday, May 18, 2023

We're getting it ...

that is, rain! Steady sprinkle for a few hours today. It is supposed to rain for about 12 more hours tonight and tomorrow. 

We finished doing our first batch of chickens (the last 6) this morning. It was a good morning for it - cool and breezy. It almost didn't happen. When the alarm went off early this morning, it was touch and go on whether I would actually get up and get fire started to heat the water to scald the chickens. But wisdom prevailed and sloth was conquered! (at least for today.)

I have my last cardiac rehab session tomorrow. I need to start some occupational therapy. I still have nerve damage in my left hand from the surgery. I either need to see if it can be fixed, or how to live with it.


I don't count on teaching work in the summer. I am usually scheduled for a course or two, but they often don't make enough students to hold the class - as is the case this summer. What to do with all the time? You either have time or money, but seldom both. 

We have a lot of work to do around here. We have started a renovation on the feed house, but it finishing and painting. 

I would love to get my shop (the garage) cleaned out so I can start working with wood again. It is one of the things I like to do most. It is ironic that my favorite homestead chore is cutting and splitting firewood and that my other favorite thing is to make things of wood.

Oremus pro invicem!

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