Monday, May 22, 2023

3 things

a man should always carry.

I can't believe I haven't posted this before. I searched though and couldn't find it.

1. A pocketknife. The knife I carry is bigger than a typical pocketknife: a Buck 110. I can and do use this knife for almost every chore and task requiring a knife except butchering and sticking a steer and the largest hogs. (Buck 110 pictured)

However, a much smaller knife will due; for instance, the Shrade 330T, which has 2 blades is great for all small jobs.

2. Handkerchief. You never know when you are going to sneeze, when your child will have a runny nose, when you will happen across a weeping lady, or when you just need to wipe sweat off your brow. Personally, I prefer bandana types as they are most versatile.

3. A rosary. Need I expound on this?

Note that all three items may be useful to yourself and to others. So, in the final analysis, it is the charitable thing to do to have these items AND to use them!

Oremus pro invicem!

1 comment:

Charlie said...

Opinel No.8 Carbone

Blue bandanna

Knights of Columbus pocket rosary repaired with beads and crucifix from a free rosary sent in the mail. High mileage but still running.