Friday, January 20, 2023


I walked about a mile yesterday, in quarter-mile segments. Over to the neighbor's; talk for 1/2 hour; walk home. Repeat.

When I first got home, I was having trouble reading, or concentrating, or maybe comprehending. I think that is getting better. 

Not sleeping well. I have to sleep on my back-which has never been my habit. I am still not used to it. At least I can now get up without help!

Sounds like I am doing lots of complaining; but really just trying to keep track of things for the future.

Doctor said I am clear to begin driving again tomorrow (1 month out from surgery), but I am NOT ready. I love driving, but even as a passenger, I am uncomfortable now. I will give it at least another week or more before I venture behind the wheel.

Good news! Another Curley wedding in the works. This time it will be in Wisconsin. I need to be ready for the road trip in a few months.

Oremus pro invicem!

1 comment:

Charlie said...

"Walking is man's best medicine."--HIPPOCRATES