Friday, January 06, 2023


During pre-op I finished a book my son had loaned me: The Unbroken Thread. It is a book about tradition. The final chapters are about death and acceptance (my third warning. The first was Fr. Kirby's All Saints Day homily; the second was advice from a priest during confession where he reminded me - sort of out of the blue - that I would not live forever!)

Now that I am on semi-rest regime (I can walk all I want, but can't lift anything or do anything useful), I thought it would great time to catch up on years of reading. Yet, I am having a hard time concentrating when reading. In the hospital post-op, I couldn't even concentrate enough to watch TV. I have "progressed" to movies now at home, but still have a hard time reading.

I hope this will change.....

Oremus pro invicem!

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