Monday, September 27, 2021

Songs of Sion

Many homeschoolers over the years have used the Fr. John Laux series for high school religion class. See the series (TAN) here. I th ink I posted on this some years back.

In several of the books in the homework assignments, Fr. Laux references another of his books, Songs of Sion. I have searched for this book for years. Now that I no longer need it for our homeschool, it comes up in one of my outstanding searches.

I ordered it and got it. 

Fr. Laux provides a biref introduction to the Psalms and then groups them according to type: Pennitential Psalms, Messianic Psalms, Gradual Psalms, etc. And he provides a short commentary on each: what it is about, where each psalm may be useful for our prayer.

If I still ran Requiem Press, I think I would try to reprint it.

Oremus pro invicem!

1 comment:

TS said...

dang wish requiem around to print it as i’d buy it.