Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Looks like one of the boys is finished picking muscadines. Youngest son has been climbing vines to get the good grapes high up. Well today, he has an itchy rash all over him. Doesn't quite look like poison ivy, but it is some kind of allergic reaction. He's grounded.

By the way, Mrs. Curley is almost 100%. We think she had rocky mountain spotted fever, which can be lethal; but we caught it early and got the right treatment, which makes all the difference.

I must say that one reason I am very glad I am not teaching this year is that I can get to Mass during the week sometimes as I used to. It is a blessing which I missed dearly last year.

Going to work on the fall garden now.


Two reminders: Russell Shaw's Catholic Laity in the Mission of the Church is available for shipment now. We have kept our shipping charges steady even though cost have gone up. Don't know how long this will last, so get yourself a copy.

Secondly, if interested, the introduction and first 2 chapters of John Meehan's Two Towers can be read at here. Scroll down a bit, but it there for the reading. (Of course, if you want to read the whole thing-you can order it at the Requiem Press website).

Look for our next release in a couple weeks.

Oremus pro invicem!

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