Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Just Finished ....

The Edge of Time by Loula Grace Erdman. (No, I haven't given up on Sources of Renewal-this was just an interlude.)

I got this book at the school I taught at last year. They were throwing away books to 'update' the library. I may have posted about it then, but I got some good stuff including: The Complete Fr. Brown, The Ox Bow Incident, The Birth of the Modern (Oh yeah, I haven't finished that yet either), and a stack of other books-some noteworthy, others not.

I picked up this particular book because it sported a covered wagon on the front cover. Always a sucker for a western, I had to have it.

It is the story of a young couple trying to make a go of it as homesteaders in the Texas Panhandle in 1885. It is cattle country, so there are plenty of cowboys, but there are no fences and there are no farmers yet. It illustrates what these people had to go through to tame the land.

As it turns out, it is told from the woman's point of view. I think Mrs. Curley may like it and am going to pass it on to her. I enjoyed it myself, and could relate to some of their frustrations-we haven't always had success out here planting either, yet less depended on our success.


TS said...

Don't forget to finish the Shroud book... I taped a television show about it, I think on the History channel. Of course that's about as likely to be accurate as my broken watch!

Jim Curley said...

Oh, I did finish the Shroud book. No earth-shattering news. They did make a good case that the carbon 14 dating was flawed.

The hypothesis now is that the image was formed at the moment of the resurrection.

One thing many researchers are now "finding" in the Shroud, are letters/words, and imprints of flowers; all kinds of things. I think imagination is running away with them a bit-but who knows. I assume in the early years many things were placed against the Shroud. Maybe some of them can still be detected.

I think the weight of the evidence is for authenticity-but whether it is or not the true burial cloth of Christ, it still seems to have a spiritual value, if not being a physical relic.

Anonymous said...

I read The Edge of Time in junior high and liked it so much I looked for other books by the same author. I found several, and although I enjoyed them, none were quite as good. Although I have a copy, I haven't read it in a long time, but I remember it as a great novel about the life of a pioneer woman. ---Agnes

Jim Curley said...

Agnes-Didn't know you read it. (This is my sister I presume.) I just got it almost by accident. It was good. I hope Lori will read it. She may enjoy it more.