Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Catholic Fiction .... again

From TS' Spanning the Globe feature, we find this gem:

Is there such a thing as Catholic fiction?...The consensus we finally reached was that Catholic fiction is fiction which takes place in a universe in which Catholicism is objectively true... It need not overtly proclaim the author's religious beliefs, though they will be implicit in the work. And only the poorest specimens of Catholic fiction will be thinly fictionalized apologetics... It's a book in which Catholicism is the underlying physics of the world so baptism has a real effect on a person's identity and prayer can be surprisingly efficacious. - Catholic Bibliophagist

We have talked about Catholic fiction before at Bethune Catholic. From what we read, The Catholic Bibliophagist does it much better Read the rest here .

As I have noted before, I think a Catholic literary revival will be a more effective way to re-evangelize our culture than what we do at Requiem Press -which is more like re-evangelizing ourselves....

Oremus pro invicem!


Catholic Bibliophagist said...

Thank you for mentioning my blog!

I do think we are seeing the beginnings of a Catholic literary revival. I think that for some time Catholics have not been seen as a viable marketing demographic for fiction. But I also think this is beginning to change. We are starting to see some fiction coming out from Catholic publishers (such as Loyola Press's series of Catholic fiction classics), and the Internet has made if possible for Catholic authors to reach readers either directly or through smaller publishers.

Anonymous said...

What would be helpful is a list of Catholic fiction publishers. If you have one please send it to me. Thank you