Saturday, September 07, 2024

Liturgy of the Land Conference

In April my friends Jason Craig and Tommy Van Horn had their book Liturgy of the Land published (TAN books). The book explains the reason and history of the 'back to the land' movement - many of these reasons are why Lori and I moved to our homestead over 20 years ago.

It is worth the read, detailing how our country has purposely and actively removed support from those who want to be a center of production as a family. We should all be consumers and not producers. 

But a few of us have tried to at least partially bucked this trend for both practical and spiritual reasons and become homesteaders in one form or another.

Part of the book details the different levels of homesteading. Not all of us can homestead full-time (if any of us can.) From backyard urban gardener to rural full time homesteader, and every step in-between, the book discusses what is possible with entry level information.

As I said, worth reading, even if you are not thinking of making a move.

In December, TAN books is hosting the Liturgy of the Land Conference at the Catholic Conference center in Hickory, NC. You can meet the authors and learn from some real experts in the rural life and homesteading. 

See you there!

Oremus pro invicem!

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