Thursday, August 29, 2024

Pumpkins and Celebrations

We are going to have lots of pumpkins this year. This not so good (flip phone) picture shows the 4 varieties we planted: one "jack-o-lantern type (big orange) which has not so much meat and therefore not so great for cooking. The other varieties are meaty and all good for cooking (and for feeding to pigs.) Mrs. Curley will put some up so we can have pies and breads and soups throughout the year; the rest will feed the pigs. 

So far 110 spaghetti squash picked and counting!!! (Also good pig feed - we are running out of freezer space.)

Today is the feast of the be-heading of John the Baptist, AND it is Mrs. Curley and my wedding anniversary!

Here are a couple pictures - one about a week or two before our wedding, and the 2nd one of the (many) happy times here in Bethune. I think you will be able to tell which is which.

Oremus pro invicem!

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