Thursday, August 08, 2024

Now Reading: In Defense of Nature

by Dr. Benjamin Wiker of Steubenville (2017).

The premise is that both the Left and the Right only get it 1/2 right (and 1/2 wrong) on the environment and morality - and that they are intimately linked; not just that it is a sin to pollute - but that sins against (for example) temperance cause lapses in morality in more than one realm, which thus connects them. The left denies morality (God, sin, etc.). The Right denies the damage to the environment is real. Neither sees there is a connection between the reality and their denials.

For example, lack of temperance leads to gluttony. Gluttony leads to eating things that are bad for you, especially junk food. Food scientists make hyperpalatable food to feed the gluttony. The increase in bad food eating increases the consumption of junk food and drive thru food. This in turn increases the garbage in landfills and on the streets. Everyone loses but big business. 

I am probably poorly stating his thesis, but it is well worth the read. It is also easy to read. 90 pages in and that just being in a waiting room a couple times.

Oremus pro invicem!

Also... 3 days of rain with at least one more to come. All this rain destroyed the tomatoes but is great for the okra. My little pigs don't get sold in the pouring rain. We've been busy trying to keep them fairly dry. 

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