Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Away and Back

I went up to NH this weekend for my Godson's high school graduation. It was a long drive, but a great time. Unfortunately my Mom (almost 92) broke her hip this weekend. She is doing well, but this is particularly unfortunate for me. You see ....

A few years ago she was diagnosed with diabetes. A year later I was diagnosed with diabetes. Then she went and had a by-pass surgery. Wouldn't you know that a few years later I had Quad-4 bypass. Now she breaks her hip ... I guess I better prepare myself. This morning I fell coming out of the feed house, and while going down, I was just picturing my hip fracturing. 

It's all about me!!! Really though Mom looks like she is doing fine. I was able to visit with her in the hospital before heading back South.

And while I was gone.... 

Lori wrestled the sow!!! The sow caught its teeth in the fence being inpatient for food. The way I hear it, Mrs. Curley had to pry open its jaw to free it.

But the garden did explode in the 4 days I was gone. Cukes, squash, beans, tomatoes, peppers of various kinds, sweet corn. I think we will be picking the first okra tomorrow.

Oremus pro invicem!

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