Thursday, June 27, 2024


I looked at the forecast and the radar map and there was nothing for us. But even so, it has been raining for the last 50 minutes. Boy do we need it. 

The garden is exploding, but it needs the rain to sustain it at this pace.

I think it is too late for the corn. We have picked and put up all there is. But I will check again to make sure we didn't miss anything.

On another note, we had 2 litters this week; Little Red and Root. God is good to us.

Oremus pro invicem!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Away and Back

I went up to NH this weekend for my Godson's high school graduation. It was a long drive, but a great time. Unfortunately my Mom (almost 92) broke her hip this weekend. She is doing well, but this is particularly unfortunate for me. You see ....

A few years ago she was diagnosed with diabetes. A year later I was diagnosed with diabetes. Then she went and had a by-pass surgery. Wouldn't you know that a few years later I had Quad-4 bypass. Now she breaks her hip ... I guess I better prepare myself. This morning I fell coming out of the feed house, and while going down, I was just picturing my hip fracturing. 

It's all about me!!! Really though Mom looks like she is doing fine. I was able to visit with her in the hospital before heading back South.

And while I was gone.... 

Lori wrestled the sow!!! The sow caught its teeth in the fence being inpatient for food. The way I hear it, Mrs. Curley had to pry open its jaw to free it.

But the garden did explode in the 4 days I was gone. Cukes, squash, beans, tomatoes, peppers of various kinds, sweet corn. I think we will be picking the first okra tomorrow.

Oremus pro invicem!

Saturday, June 08, 2024

A solution so far ....

These seem to be keeping the vultures (black vultures and not turkey vultures as I wrote earlier) at bay for the moment.

Oremus pro invicem!

Friday, June 07, 2024

Another rabbit or two and a philosophical question

My son Thomas, home after college graduation (Wyoming Catholic College) for a short time before heading off for a new adventure, asked the rhetorical question yesterday of me concerning my appetite of hunting rabbits who invade my garden:

"I can't figure out if you are more like Mr. MacGregor or Elmer Fudd!"

Thursday, June 06, 2024

More garden

We have been picking patty pan squash for several days now. Last broccoli was picked tonight. Our first cherry tomatoes, banana pepper, and green beans were picked today. We also picked our first blueberries today. God is good!

We moved Eddie back with the sows and one unbred sow yesterday. Still a few weeks before we wean Red's pigs.

Big trouble: Turkey vultures have killed at least 3 of Red's pigs. Usually this wouldn't happen at their age. We had strung up old CD's to no avail. Today we erected a Scarecrow. We will see.

Oremus pro invicem!