Monday, December 14, 2015

So our vet preg-checked our heifer and our older milk cow back in July. Both, he said, were pregnant; the heifer being much further along. In fact, the heifer calved the next day! In due course, we sold her and the calf.

Come September, we dried off our older milk cow in preparation for her calving. You want her last couple months devoted totally to growing the calf and not producing milk.

We didn't have a solid date for the calving, but did know that we killed the bull on February 28th, so the gestation tables told us December 7th was the "due date".

Alas, December 7th came and went with no calf, and her bags just didn't seem to be filling up.

I called the vet this morning and asked "how late can she be?". I was told 2 things. 1st, that full gestation is 290 days. (This could be good news, this gives us December 15th - tomorrow!)

2nd, I was told the full moon was December 26th, so she would definitely calf by then. I asked the vet assistant to repeat this last piece of information. It was duly repeated.

I was afraid to ask what the full moon had to do with it.....

Oremus pro invicem!

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