Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Way (back)

Is it possible? As readers here know, I am a fan of the small is beautiful perspective. I read this from Stephen Hand this morning:

Family members are worth more together in every sense than apart. Like the proverbial bundle of sticks which are not easily broken (unlike individual sticks) family members who are willing need not make high wages to pool their collective resources into the homestead, a real home and piece of land, held in trust by all; and overseen according to the natural law by the elders in the family. Such a home could be added unto by the family as more and more children are born. Then as the children take on families of their own they might consider staying too (the security of Love!) as all contribute to building more sections unto the home. The industrious could develop veritable cottage industries to assist those who work away from home, a home that would be paid off much quicker than most individualists are now. Small farming is one possibility, but not the only one (but chickens in the yard and gardens at least, yes!). The elders can teach the young roundly at home (both trades and academics!), the well can take care of the sick and aged. Problems could be addressed in family counsels.

Read the rest here .

I can see wanting this to happen here on our small-holding (although we may eventually need a couple more acres-which I bet I can find.) But I also know the tugs of other opportunities or even vocations will pull some away. Some of my children love the life here and the animals-some love being from the country, but want to end up in the city. And...I need to work on patience. I am sure there are times my sons would rather a more patient and teaching father when it comes to working around here.

Is it possible? I don't know. Can it become a movement? I think our numbers are very small. And besides, familial influences may discourage the idea (I think half my family thinks I'm crazy already.)

Another thing we would need in the long-term is closer sacraments. (I still think the old abandoned motel in town would make a great starter monastery.) I absolutely love going to St. Catherine's in Lancaster, but it is a long haul and takes a bit of cash. We couldn't ask for a better priest than our pastor as Steven Riddle can also attest.

But to hear someone else talk about this makes my heart sing. I wouldn't mind sitting down with Mr. Hand (or Mr. Culbreath of Orland) sometime over a stout. We may part ways over the direction of the Church, but the discussion would be great.-Hey, I may be in his neck of the woods sometime....

Usually I don't post much Saturday morning-but the taxes are putting me off... Oremus pro invicem!

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