Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday morning in the office has a routine all its own. First, I check email. Since I haven't checked it all weekend, and I don't have a great Spam filter, I spend at least an hour and maybe more, deleting hundreds of Spam emails on my several email accounts associated with the business.

Then I check book sales. This weekend they were pretty good because there was a review of Brother Charles OFM Conv. of Marytown The Mini-Catechism in The Catholic Review, a weekly newspaper in Maryland. You can read it here (page 3) :

"It's ridiculous to call it a penny catechism when it sells for $4.50" Brother Charles said with a laugh. "But its something thats needed. Its ideal-you can slip it into your pocket or purse, and its a handy way to get the essentials of the faith to many people."

... "What I'd really like to do is see it get in the racks in the back of churches", Brother Charles said.
(so would I-ed.)

This weekend was packed with work and fun. I already reported on some of the work on Saturday. Yesterday we went up to York County after Mass for a Families of Joyful Hope gathering. Our patroness is Our Lady of Joyful Hope-Our Lady of South Carolina. We ate and danced and talked and listened to a tape on apologetics. It was a great time for the whole family in many ways.

One of our friends brought their 2.5 month old baby. We haven't had a baby in the house for some years now. I like to hold one when I get the chance. I relieved Mom of her baby for an hour or so yesterday.

Now back to work.

Oremus pro invicem!

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