Tuesday, November 13, 2007


This subject has been on my list to blog about since the news last week. Reports from yesterday have moved it up on the list.

Today's (reported) National Right to Life (NRL) endorsement of Fred Thompson is one more sign that a fully pro-life president is a long way off, and maybe never achievable. Every one is a pragmatist it seems.

Let's take a look: Last week Sen. Brownback endorsed Sen. John McCain. Brownback was supposed to be the pro-life champion in the race. Yet 8 years ago NRL wouldn't endorse McCain because of suspect pro-life credentials, and these credentials have suffered since then: he supports embrionic stem cell research. (There is a conference call today for SC supporters of Sen. Brownback where he will explain his endorsement. If at all possible, I hope to be in "attendence".

Then Pat Robertson endorses Rudy Guiliani! Unthinkable. (No more comment necessary.)

Now, just a week after Fred Thompson proclaims that he doesn't think abortion should be made illegal, NRL endorses him.

Yet there are still at least 2 bonafide pro-life candidates in the Republican field. (Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee).

This isn't the general election where you might need to settle for the lesser of two evils. This is before the primaries have even started.

I think these endorsers are afraid that if they back a loser they will become irrelevant; they don't want to test their influence or power.

Yet, in my book, they become irrelevant when they fail to endorse based on principle-especially NRL.

Oremus pro invicem!

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