Friday, November 30, 2007

God's Plan for Man's Salvation (cont.)

The next installment written by my Dad some years ago....

But God promised to send a Redeemer-for this reason. Man (Adam) had offended an Infinite Person, so the sin was infinite. But man is not infinite, so he can't make infinite atonement or reparation. He could do nothing to merit restitution, since he lost sanctifying grace; therefore the only Person who could make adequate restitution is an an Infinite Person. No creature (created) could do this. No creature can offer an infinite prayer to God.

So, God planned that the redeemer would be God the Son, who could offer infinite restitution for man. But now Redemption can't come to all men through Adam, but to each individually (emphasis in original - ed.) through God the Son.

The promise is duly recorded in the Old Testament.

The time for the coming of the Redeemer was chosen such that man would want a Redeemer and be prepared for Him-when man had learned from bitter experience that their nature is weak and their pride should be humbled.

In the Old Testament, the Holy Ghost speaks through the inspired writers and prophets, "Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and his name will be Emmanuel" (God with us or he who is to come). Christ is both God and man-perfect humanity, perfect human nature. His human nature is essentially like ours.

Stay tuned for the final installment next time.

Oremus pro invicem!

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