Thursday, October 11, 2007

On the road again...

Will be working in other places today, so blogging will be light. I wonder why I feel the need to announce this. Are people actually waiting with baited breath on my next post, my next words of wisdom? Fat chance! Yet myself (an other bloggers) always feel the need to announce that they won't be blogging. Now if you are blogger with thousands (or even hundreds) of daily readers, then obviously people are waiting on your every post, so the announcement may be appropriate. So maybe the rest of us are just pretending we are relevant?

It's a funny thing-in fact the whole blogging phenomenon is a funny thing. I have written about it before, so won't rehash why and who I write for. Even so, the question continually arises in my own mind.

Related to this is the custom among some of doing blogfasts. A more explained phenomenon than blogging itself, to be sure. The only time I contemplated a formal blogfast was when I was teaching last year and felt I had nothing to say because my mind was so cluttered with things to do that I couldn't think properly. But even then I couldn't bring myself to do it.

Well enough discussion, I have work to do.

Oremus pro invicem!

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