Friday, July 06, 2007

It is good to be home at Bethany

We arrived home today at 1:00 PM-leaving the DC area at 6:00 AM. Yesterday we traveled from Otis, MA to my sister's place in the DC area. No traffic or problems on either leg. Boy, it is good to be home after a couple days in the car.

Never got to either shrine mentioned in my post below, nor to the Divine Mercy Shrine mentioned in the comments (thanks Alicia)-even though we were a mere 15 miles from the latter. Everything was just too crunched together-even though we did extend our visit by 2-3 days.

We were worried about the garden while gone, but not to worry. It did rain some while we were gone. The corn is looking good; the tomatoes excellent, the peppers good, and the rest... well we shall see what a little tender card can do.

Much to do...Oremus pro invicem!

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