Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It seems I am always apologizing these days for neglecting this blog. I am working on a decent post in my mind-but you must be patient and I must find more quiet to realize it.

Went shrimping and fishing this weekend with one of the boys and two friends-with one their boys. Caught some shrimp and crabs Friday night, and then went fishing on the ocean on Saturday. We caught several sharks, an octopus, and a stingray-none of which we kept. My son hooked something, and I fought it for almost 2 hours, then the line snapped. It was probably another stingray (that one took 45 minutes to bring to surface), but we'll never know. We also came home with flounder, sea mullet, and black sea bass. My friend's son caught a nice pompano. Said the rosary for all kinds of intentions there on the boat. What a great day! And what a great feast Sunday night!

So now, back to deleting spam and all those other things which keep me from posting things few people read anyway.

From Bethany, the small holding in Bethune...Oremus pro invicem!

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