Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Was loaned the book "Children of Winter-how the classroom is murdering the innocence of your child" by James Demers. It is not a new book (published in 1993). I am about half-way through. The first part is very confusing to me. It seemed the author was trying to say something, but seems unable to spit it out. It was often unclear how the examples he cites illustrate the point he seems to be trying to make. The second part is much more straightforward. While the author is making the case for all of North America, it is clear he writes mostly from his own experience in Canada during the Sixties and Seventies. Nothing new here: sex education-even in the Catholic schools. I'm not sure the sex-ed entered as many Catholic schools in the US during this time (we are doing it now in a nonsensical response to 'the scandal'). Another reason to homeschool...

My blog turning into a book review-first "Restoration..." and now this.


I thought I was a failure at breeding rabbits, but the jury is still out. For some reason I thought we mated the first doe on Christmas Eve and thus her pregnancy should have ended today or at least the signs of preparation (her pulling her fur out) should have started. But looking back in my blog entries this morning, I happily noted in early January that the mating took place on the 26th of December. Thus I have a couple more days to see....and found another benefit of blogging.


Good to see some more activity at Hallowed Ground -with the comments open!

Below somewhere in my post on Catholic Resettlement, Zach suggests I may enough thoughts to write a book. Certainly I think there are enough examples of (what I defined as) planned and unplanned "Catholic Resettlements" which are at least in the first generation, or failed in the first generation to do an interesting study. I think a Master's thesis may be the right venue for this.


Final note this morning, "Catholic Laity..." from Requiem Press is still getting media play here and there. This time at the National Center for the Laity-online here. Check it out.

Also, I may have mentioned this a few days ago, but we have announced a couple of our upcoming books over at my other blog. I will repeat it here because readership is steadier (and greater) here at Bethune Catholic.

We have started to set our schedule for book releases for 2006-07. Here is a partial preview, I expect to have a couple more surprises in the next week or so:

Spring Release: "Giving Up Stealing For Lent" by Brother Charles Madden OFM Conv. (You may recognize him from his popular book on Freemasonery published by TAN books.)

January 2007 Release: "America's Drug Deal-Abortion, Vaccines, & Corruption" by Jameson Taylor. Check out his website here.

That's all for now, from Bethany, the small holding in Bethune...Oremus pro invicem!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear about your impending success/failure with regards to the rabbits. My family and I are trying to decide whether chickens, rabbits or pigs are the more economical animal for a medium-sized family. Hope you do well with your attempts.

Jim Curley said...

Stay tuned on the rabbits. Rabbits seem to be easiest (least cost and least time) to raise. Pigs are supposed to do a lot for you (ploughing and fertilzing and for meat)-but they probably take the most time. Chickens aren't that cost effective-I think you can break even, but it is hard to do better. They are fairly easy, and you can improve their value to the holding if you are diligent about using their manure. Good luck.