Monday, November 08, 2004

Latin Mass in Columbia, SC

Yesterday at 3:00PM at Good Shepard Catholic Church in Columbia, SC the Holy Mass according to the 1962 Missal was celebrated by Fr. George G. Gabet, FSSP, North American district Superior.

Deo gratias!

The 100 or so souls in the congregation (a good turnout for Columbia, SC) were told this is the first of a regular monthly Mass in Columbia.

Deo gratias!

I had the honor of dining with Father Gabet and a few friends last night. Before we went to the restaurant, Father Gabet insisted we visit a cemetery to pray for the poor souls in purgatory, in order that we main gain plenary indulgences for them as this was the 7th of November.

One thing that always impresses me about the Fraternity of Saint Peter priests is how in tune they are with the spiritual needs and concerns of the laity.

From the small holding in Bethune ...

Oremus pro invicem!

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