Friday, March 04, 2016

"God's First Book"

If you have every spent much time looking at  Wyoming Catholic College you might be familiar with the phrase and concept of "studying God's first book".
I think I have found what should be their cornerstone book with regard to this saying.
Here's a short excerpt from The Deerslayer by James Fenimore Cooper:
My edication has been altogether in the woods; the only book I read, or care about reading, is the one which God has opened afore all his creatur's in the noble forests, broad lakes, rolling rivers, blue skies, and the winds and tempests, and sunshine, and other glorious marvels of the land! This book I can read, and I find it full of wisdom and knowledge. (Hawkeye to Judith in The Deerslayer, Chapter 24)

Now Hawkeye is surely no Catholic, but just as surely identifies himself as a Christian and exhibits many Christian virtues.
Oremus pro invicem!

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