Friday, September 26, 2008

Glorious rain! Yesterday the forecast predicted 100% chance of rain. It was cloudy, cool, and windy (we don't get wind around here without precipitation, ever), but no rain. Go figure. Since the forecast was so adamant about the rain, I worked inside-til 3:00PM when I had had enough. I went out and planted a few more rows of turnips, tilled the empty large pig pen-and ran out of time.

It started raining sometime after I went to bed and has been since. Until recently I hated the rain. I couldn't think of one good thing about it. It meant I had to stay inside, but would have to mow the lawn more often. Now I welcome it and understand it so much better. Come on rain!


After reading Greencastle's post about getting free books and being a Catholic Company book reviewer, I of course jumped right on it. I ordered Mike Aquilina's Signs and Mysteries-Revealing Ancient Christian Symbols (OSV). It looks pretty good. Can't wait to get started on it.


The mail also brought in a free sample copy of Countryside & small stock journal. I'll let you know how it is.


I am going to see (and hopefully speak with) Mike Koelzer this evening at a reception being held at a friend's house in Columbia. If you read this and live in the area, email me and I can get you the details.


Here's my questions this morning (not that they ever get answered): Do we fool ourselves on the popularity or greatness of our ideas simply because we surround ourselves with those who agree with us, i.e. blogs, books, and discuss things with people who common interests, ideals, values, politics, religion, etc.?

And finally, to that commenter who left me a comment to an old post entirely in Latin, I am very rusty (notwithstanding my daily sign-off) so I will figure it out eventually and then respond if required. Thanks.

Oremus pro invicem!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do we fool ourselves on the popularity or greatness of our ideas simply because we surround ourselves with those who agree with us

Absolutely, at least in terms of the 'popularity' part! That's one of my beefs, that Catlick bloggers don't realize how out of the mainstream they are. It certainly leads to unrealistic expectations in politics.