Thursday, September 25, 2008

a few more notes

Forgot to mention we harvested our peanut crop yesterday. We did okay considering we didn't plant too much. The experiment was successful enough that I will plant a good bit next year. Right now, the peanuts are hanging in our living room, the slaughter house ...

We harvested our own hay yesterday from the abandoned part of the garden. We got the equivalent of about a bale and a half (the small square bale variety).

I wanted to work outside much of today, but I don't think the weather is going to cooperate. It is cold and windy with 100% chance of rain. Rain tomorrow too...

And from the "how did we miss this one department" (or the bait and switch) Rod Dreher reports that in the midst of the Wall Street bailout, Congress has quietly voted $25B to bailout the US auto industry. I cry to Congress: "What about a Requiem Press bailout!!!!! Hungry mouths are depending on you!" Ah, to no avail, my pleas fall on deaf ears. No congressman has RP stock...

Oremus pro invicem!


Anonymous said...

Fresh unshelled peanuts steamed or cooked in a pot of water with a little salt is really good. I love it almost as much as honey roasted peanuts.


Jim Curley said...

We might try it. Boiled peanuts is known as I Southern treat.

Anonymous said...

In the South they used to be called Goobers.

Jim Dorchak