Monday, November 19, 2007

Whats going on

We slaughtered, dressed and ate the first 2 chickens from our current flock on Thursday evening. The chickens being young made a world of difference in the tenderness. Number 3 son caught the chickens. I broke their necks. All the boys plucked And I dressed it. Mrs. Curley cooked it.

Picked our first crop of turnips and turnip greens on Thursday also. I don't know if it is because Mrs. Curley forgot they were on the stove and boiled them much longer than usual, or if there is another reason, but these were good. I usually can barely tolerate them.

Friday night we went to the premiere of The Spirit of Freedom. It was an extremely well-done and a very professional presentation. It did unsettle one a bit to see your own children playing dead or being killed on screen. But since they were with us in the arts center, you knew it was okay.

Saturday morning flea market: after the price of the table, gas, and two cups of coffee, we probably cleared $11.15-but we got rid of a whole lot of junk. Disappointing? Yes. but now we know.

Finally, Mr. Culbreath is back with some great news!

Our Lady of Joyful Hope-pray for us .... Oremus pro invicem!

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