Wednesday, December 13, 2006


My sidebar has changed.... I got rid of the Amazon links. They had earned me a whole $3.76 in the 9 months I had links up ($3.76 which I won't even see because they send a check until it reaches a certain amount.) Unfortunately, when I took away the links, something happened. Now the only way the sidebar will start at the top of the page is if I have the text size on "smallest". Otherwise the sidebar begins after the last post-somewhere down there. I must have deleted something-but I can't figure out what.... Anyway, I fixed it, by messing around with stuff I really don't understand; but I also used precious posting time.

I am reading an absolutely great manuscript submitted to us by a well-known author, for possible publication. It is a new work, dealing with a 20th century historical 'event'. It is current, relevant, and gives a good analysis of the impact of the 'event' today (God's hand in history and man's response). Reading this manuscript yesterday helped me remember again why we got into this business to begin with. But believe me, it is a tough haul. (My teaching a couple classes at our 'local' Cathoic high school has more to do with making ends meet than with helping out a school in need.)

In many respects this has been a most difficult year-but God has always been with us.

Finally-thanks for the prayers for our friend. He is out of the hospital and showing good signs of recovery. God is good! Oremus pro invicem!


Bill White said...

Dear Mr. Curley,

I'm curious - what software do you use to typeset your books?

Cheers -


Jim Curley said...

Bill-we use pagemaker. Indesign is the new Adobe product-but I have used it. Quark Express is the other generally accepted software by printers.