Tuesday, November 21, 2006

When I heard this...

I thought sure it was a spoof:

Morning Edition, November 20, 2006 · Citing an increase in cases of rabies, some local governments in China have been confiscating and killing pet dogs. The capital, Beijing, issued new rules this month limiting each family to one dog.

(Yes I confess I sometimes listen to NPR). The story talked about police banging on doors and threatening if let weren't allowed in to confiscate the dog, and of neighbors reporting on neighbors; and of internet criticism of the move being censored. The report explained about how dogs have become very important because families (due to the one-child policy) no longer provide social companionship.

What a world we live in!

May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen


Long-Skirts said...

"The report explained about how dogs have become very important because families (due to the one-child policy) no longer provide social companionship.
What a world we live in!"

I'll say. Check out Amy Welborn's Blog, OPEN BOOK, Nov. 19th, where she quotes a recent interview with an Episcopalian (woman) Bishop, Kate Schori. Kate says...

"Episcopalians tend to be better-educated and tend to reproduce at lower rates than some other denominations. Roman Catholics and Mormons both have theological reasons for producing lots of children."

Has she EVER read Genesis and heard of Onan? God got really p*ssed off with him for that sin and we all know what happened!!

(Genesis 38:8-10)

If you plant
God's seed,
It grows.

With holy
An openness glows.

Then to man,

Wisdom to
Grace which guides.

So abundance
Will spread,

Feed the early,
Feed the

And you,
Fruitful souls,
A cornucopia fills -

While the deserts
Of Onan,
Remain wastelands of spills.

TS said...

Just received my free book - thankee! I didn't let any grass grow under it - the slim volume with the inviting cover led me to devour it in two sittings!