Thursday, June 08, 2006

Sharks, blogging, and ....

Turns out, my post below about sharks has some teeth! This incident took place a little south of where we were swimming.

Two bunnies were out of the nesting box this morning, but all ten are still alive.

Yesterday, CatholicExchange sported a 2nd article by blogger Eric Scheske with warnings attached:

But does it (blogging) really matter? The ultimate questions are: Am I doing this for a good reason? Am I giving enjoyment to others or somehow improving their day? Am I becoming more virtuous? Where does this fit into my life as God’s child?

If it’s harming others, you shouldn’t do it. If it’s hindering your efforts at virtue, then you shouldn’t do it or you should change your way of doing it. And to the extent that blogging is creating an ocean of vain individuals who think their every thought is pure gold, blogging is damnable.

On that note, let me say that my blogging has been light this week and will continue to be so because we have 2 birthdays to celebrate this week.

From Bethany, the small holding in Bethune...Oremus pro invicem!

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