Monday, July 10, 2023


Daughter Bernadette made 31 jars of pickles this weekend! As she was in process I brought in another couple dozen cucumbers from the garden. She looked daggers at me. "Look" I said, "I don't even like pickles. You are to one who made me promise to grow tons of cucumbers!"

I spent my share of time in the kitchen also this weekend, making another batch of cherry tomato pasta sauce, pureeing several gallon bags of tomatoes and freezing, and freezing trays of cherry tomatoes.

I think I have enough green beans to blanch and freeze another bunch. Plus I am still behind on the tomatoes, having four baskets full to put up, not to mention the patti pan squash. So I know what I am doing today!

We have been getting short rains and it looks like more today.

We also sold some ducks and one pig. 

From the small holding in Bethune ...

Oremus pro invicem!

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