Friday, May 20, 2016

Goings on ...

So, the peanuts are planted. Hoping to plant sorghum and pumpkins in the next week.
We are harvesting peas, spinach, Swiss chard, lettuce. I think we will be picking corn in a couple weeks.
We inherited about 20 chickens in eggs this week, so supplement our 3-year old 1/2 dozen layers who are definitely on the downside of laying.
Our game hen hatched a small clutch, so meat birds are on the way.
I am back to work teaching Physics for the summer session at York Tech. I had 10 days off and visited my mother in Massachusetts and picked up number 2 son (Northeast Catholic College) for his final summer college break. He will be with us for a few weeks before heading back north to work.
I listened to (via ) The Black Arrow and The Master of Ballantrae both by Robert Louis Stevenson on the trip North. Right now I am listening to The Spy by James Fenimore Cooper.
Number 3 son (seminarian) is with us for only one week before he goes to work a Catholic summer camp in Texas for the rest of the summer.
Number 1 son (Wyoming Catholic) is on mission trip, building a church in Nicaragua and will be home for a month or two for his final summer college break.
Oremus pro invicem!

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