Thursday, September 05, 2013

Cooking Sorghum

So yesterday we pressed the sorghum stocks at a farmer's place about 10 miles down the road. We got home and started cooking the sorghum juice to reduce it to syrup.

We didn't get a whole lot of juice, about 8-10 gallons. This should yield about 1 gallon of syrup. Next year we will space the sorghum better and give it more manure.

We cooked a few gallons yesterday and figured out when to stop cooking. One batch we had to cook again because we took it out too soon.

This morning I am cooking the rest. It is a 3-4 hour process to cook a batch. We don't have an evaporator, so we are cooking it in batches on the stove. If it was a little cooler I might cook it outside.

We had a little sorghum to sweeten our cream of wheat at breakfast. Delicious!

Oremus pro invicem!


Jim Dorchak said...

Ok so how do you know when enough is enough cooking?

Did you use a stone press and mule to press the cane?

How about a little fermentation followed by distilaion?

Jim Curley said...

We read alot, especially from the KY extension on cooking it. If you don't have a sugar refractor or syrup hydrometer (we don't), you can tell by temperature 226-230 F.

It really changes thickness and color right around 220 F.

A farmer up the road had a press driven by a basic small engine, geared down. He also has one set up to be run by a mule, but only uses this on his 'field day'.

Maybe next time, when we get more we can try some fermentation ....