Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Job, dryers and pigs!

As I struggled with the dryer this week and now some plumbing problems (I had the water shut off half the day yesterday wrestling with a leaky toilet and broken valve-neither which is completely fixed, as of the present writing, but is "under control"-that is the water to the bathroom is capped off until I get some more stuff), I felt called to read some of the book of Job this morning-and now everything seems to be in perspective.


Speaking of the dryer, I will report the intermediate conclusion of this saga. After speaking again with the folks at RepairClinic.com yesterday, they are sending me a replacement coil for the heating element free of charge. These folks and their website has been very helpful in fixing our appliances here over the years. This is the first problem I had with something I purchased from them, and they resolved it fairly. I do recommend them and will be going to them again.


Finally, pigs for sale! From 2 litters, one born in August (the white pigs) and the other in September. Here are a couple pictures of the piglets at various stages of life - the black piglets only being a day or so old in this picture. Email me (on the sidebar) if you are interested in any. Several are already reserved, so don't wait. (Our next litter is not due until January.)

Oremus pro invicem!


Rachel said...

Wow, wish I lived closer. But I think OK is a liiiiiiitttttttllllle far to ask for a delivery (though you'd certainly be welcome, I think that the delivery charge might be a tad high, lol).


Jim Dorchak said...

How are the pigs doing?

Jim Dorchak