Monday, December 01, 2008

"May He find us waiting, eager in joyful prayer ...."

and so begins this season of Advent.

One problem with long weekends without posting is that when I get back, there is so much to report on. However, this will not be a mega-post. I will try to spread things out over the week.

First up....the Turkey Bowl!!!!. For the first year we played it on Friday, and for the first year it wasn't a timed game (we played first team to 10 scores). And for the first time in a couple years, the game was close-due to the charity and understanding of number 1 & 2 sons (to be explained). Number 3 & 4 sons teamed with yours truly. My older two sons are now faster than I and more agile. Even so, with a 3 on 2 game, the team with 3 players wouldn't normally be allowed to have their quarterback run the ball. However, Number 1 & 2 sons graciously did allow for it. The result was that we were led by one at half-time, but ended up losing the game by 1 touchdown. It was fun and relaxed-more so than some of our timed games.


Over the weekend, a friend gave me the book Backyard Livestock by Steven Thomas, revised by Dr. George Looby. Interestingly, no matter how many books you have on livestock-specialized or generalized, you always find new information that the other guy left out. This book is no exception, and in addition, Mr. Thomas has his own unique way of putting things at times.

I remember before our first pig slaughter I consulted four books: 2 specializing in raising pigs, one specializing in slaughtering animals, and the final one a general book on homesteading (by John Seymour). Only the last mentioned that a pig will thrash after sticking even if knocked out by the .22-so watch out. Sure enough, the pig thrashes and you have to watch out.

But back to Mr. Thomas, here are a couple quotes:

Plucking is hardly fun, and after doing a few birds, you may be ready to switch to rabbits for your source of meat, and just raise chicken for eggs.

... If you've ever tried to take your pig for a walk, you'll know why this section (Handling Pigs) is here. A pig has a tendency to go everywhere but where you want it to go and often great distances in the wrong direction. For young pigs, as in picking your young shoat from a litter, corner it, grab one of the hind legs, and corral it in your arms. Holding it upside down by both hind legs often servers to quiet a shrieking piglet. As with most things, this is not guaranteed.

More later... breakfast calls.

May He find us waiting, eager in joyful prayer ... Oremus pro invicem!

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