Monday, October 06, 2008


... Bethune Catholic's 4 year anniversary passed this weekend. 4 years is a long time in the blog world. A couple times I have thought about quitting, but just can't get myself to do it. I'll be honest-when I first started I had delusions of grandeur, but I am now quite content with my humble endeavor.

As far as continuing, I figure I will keep on (after all, I have been known to say I like reading my own blog better than reading anyone else's) at least until my readership reaches an average of 150 unique visitors a day. By my calculations (being a former math teacher) this should be reached sometime in the summer of 2015.

I have much more to say this morning-it was a very eventful and exciting weekend-but we had two baby kids (goats) this weekend and some work calls. But stay tuned-we did a little traveling and there some interesting stuff to report on.

Oremus pro invicem!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Jim!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Curley- Congratulations!

Please do not even think about quitting "blogging." While I do not post- I do read frequently. After all, you must be "ok"- you wear hats!!

Jeffrey S Wilson

Jim Curley said...

Mr. Wilson - thank you sir!