Monday, May 05, 2008

Updates & Notes

"Weighed" the pigs this weekend: Farrow-164 lbs; Gilt-167 lbs; Little One-129 lbs. (+/- 3% and weights under 150 lbs have larger error.)

Garden is going in late this year-but we did have a couple late frosts and our season is long, so I don't think too much harm will come. I am already picking radishes from an earlier planting. The spinach is up-but not as big as we hoped-I'll do some mulching to keep the moisture in.

We have a fig tree and 5 blueberry bushes. All are small, but it is a start.

We are doing better this year capturing the chicken manure. That, along with the pig manure, we are hoping never to buy manure again.

Our garden is looking to shape up like this: zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce, green peppers, cantaloupe, peanuts (first time!), and egg plant. I am sure a few other veggies will get in there. We always plant a few experimental things to see how they do.

Mrs. Curley and I had a discussion (ongoing) this weekend on saving money-not so much to improve cash-flow but to get in better habits of using the resources available. Sunrise and sunset shift during the seasons (especially with Daylight Savings Time), but we don't adjust our sleeping schedules to save on electricity and make the most of the cool morning hours in the summer (sunrise this morning is 6:27 AM and sunset at 8:09 PM). So we are going to try to keep farmer's hours better.

Oremus pro invicem!

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