Tuesday, December 04, 2007

What's going on

Read Russell Shaw's latest on CatholicExchange this morning-it has to do with attacks on the family. Here's a piece:

Pope Benedict XVI lately has undertaken a project to foster the revival of natural law thinking. The Holy Father's effort comes not a moment too soon. Much of the nonsense talked about issues like marriage — including nonsense talked in some Catholic circles — reflects a foolish and destructive turning-away from natural law. The defense of the family ultimately requires a clear understanding that its excellence and its necessity derive ultimately from human nature itself.


I have undertaken a grand endeavor: to let my beard grow until March. (I usually keep it very, very short: trimming it down to stubble every two weeks or so.) I am about 4 weeks in. Not sure I will make March. At this point I look 10 years older than I did four weeks ago. But do I look 10 years wiser is the question? Mrs. Curley believes I am already close to the breaking point. Not so, saith I.

Changing topics: Will I ever get back to "The Ways of God" for fathers? I hope so. My goal was one installment per week. I hope to get back to that during Advent-but no promises.

Look for a Christmas special (to be announced here) on our website tomorrow.

Mrs. Curley is lobbying me to allow comments again. Not that I ever got very many, but it seems that sometimes Mrs. Curley "communicated" with me via the comments (anonymously). She says it will be "fun" again! I'll take it under consideraton.

Oremus pro invicem!

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