Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Final Installment: God's Plan for Man's Salvation

From my Dad:

During His life He performed many miracles, some designed specifically to prove He was God, and freely laid down His life in infinite atonement for all of man's sins, past present and future.

During His life, Christ reaffirmed the Old Testament. By His death, He fulfilled the promise. While on earth He instituted the Church: "Go teach all nations", and instituted the sacraments:

By the sacraments, man is sanctified according to his nature, body and soul, i.e. an external rite (body) and internal grace (soul)-visible versus invisible. With the Redeemer here and gone, death still must come to all men. At death, man has made an irrevocable choice-there is no repentance after death. He has either chosen God or the creature Hell ("Depart from me, you cursed into everlasting fire.") [Note: if Purgatory-one is saved, but not full satisfactory atonement for mortal sins or because of venial sins, habitual sins resulting in twisting of the soul]. Heaven is the full attainment of all truth and all good: complete happiness.

Nothing ground-breaking in my Dad's essay, but I will say this: I seem to have known everything in this essay for as long as I can remember- which says something about my parents.

Our Lady of Joyful Hope-pray for us! ... Oremus pro invicem!

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