Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I was looking at a secular history book used in the local public schools the other day. Understand that public school history books used today are a cross-pollination of a Protestant view and a secular view of the world.

I turned to the Spanish conquest of Mexico in the text. It talked of Cortes' greed and the defeat of the native Aztecs. It never once mentioned the Aztecs' human sacrifices or the their worship of a demon-god. It made several references to Cortes' greed for gold.

Yet these are some of the words of Cortes to Montezuma as he cleanses the temple of the demon-god, trusting his little band to the true God in the face of thousands of Aztecs:

"I have often asked you not to sacrifice any more souls to your gods, who are deceiving you, but you haven not been willing to do so. We have come to beg you to give us leave t remove them and put up Our Lady, Santa Maria, and a cross. If you do not give permission, thy (indicating his seven men) will do so anyway, and I would not like them to kill any priests."

(and then after the refusal by Montezuma) "Oh God! Why doest thou permit the devil to be so grossly honored in this land? Accept, O Lord, that we may serve Thee in this Land."

(Finally, as Cortes strikes the idol with a metal bar) "We must risk something for God."

Are these the words of a man greedy for gold? (All quotes taken from Dr. Warren Carroll's "Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness.")

Today as we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, we should remember that without the service of Cortes, the native peoples of Mexico would not have been ready for the visit from our Lady.

It is also worth noting (to my knowledge) that of all the Indians in North America, only those in Mexico converted to Catholicism in great numbers. That is the power of Our Lady!

Our Lady of Guadalupe-Our Lady of Joyful Hope, pray for us!

Oremus pro invicem!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said Jim Curley. This is the best response I have found to the negative press about Cortes.

Hernan Cortes