Friday, October 19, 2007

A couple things and politics

The other day I asked if anyone had heard of the "New American" magazine as I received a free sample in the mail. After reading it cover to cover and then the fine print I discovered it was a publication of the John Birch Society. So if anyone is anxiously researching it for me-you can rest easy now...


A friend of mine was the 'Brownback for President' director for SC. He and I had been in some pretty good discussions on the issues I was concerned about with the Senator. He convinced me it was time to start really paying attention to the election.

I am very sorry that it seems Sen Brownback will be dropping out. Although I had some problems with him, he was a very strong and uncompromising proponent for life-and not afraid to make it a dominant issue. (With Mike Huckabee not even knowing what the Mexico City policy is there are not too many strong pro-life options that seem viable.)

I have no problem voting for candidates who won't win-I usually do that. However, I would rather have a viable option I could in conscience vote for and Senator Brownback at least looked potentially viable-although I have my doubts on whether he could take the general election.

Now Ron Paul I believe, is viable in the general election, but not in Republican primaries. (Alan Keyes-while I have liked him in the past has some of the same problems as Sen. Brownback and is not viable in either primaries or the general election.) Turns out that some of my problems with Ron Paul are also the problems I had with Sen. Brownback.

I have given my reasons of caution with Mitt Romney before, either in posts or in my now-nonexistant comment boxes. And of course you couldn't get me to vote for Guiliani at gunpoint. Fred Thompson? In general he seems too much of a party man to me. But I haven't heard much from him. I guess I tend to like mavericks it little bit.

So it seems my best options at the moment are unviable candidates. No surprise here.


Went to Mass this morning with the kids. Not today, but earlier in the week Father talked about rejoicing in suffering and persecution. This something we all need to remember. I try to tell my kids they'll get justice in Heaven and not necessarily on earth even if we strive for it: so be ready to suffer with joy. Easier said than done I know. The new covenant is 'turn the other cheek' not an 'eye for an eye'-not implying we don't continue working for justice while turning the cheek. Just the rules of engagement are different.

St. Isaac Jogues is an inspiration in both his love for the Mass (he begged and got special permission to continue saying the Mass even with mutilated fingers which made some of the rubrics problematic) and in his love for the pagan Indians he was sent to evangelize (returning to them even after his ill treatment at their hands.) There is a lot we can learn from him about suffering, love of God and dedication to our God-given vocation.

Our Lady of Joyful Hope-pray for us! ... Oremus pro invicem!

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