Friday, August 10, 2007

Around the horn

A new (and improved) version of my China piece appears on Catholic Exchange this morning:

The Communist Government of China has managed to maintain their oppressive hold on their people by controlling their most basic instincts and rights, the very things which make us most human; that is the rightful worship of God and the procreation of new life — in effect dehumanizing its populace.

Read the rest here.


I read Curt Jester's spoof on R. Giuliani last night and had to print it out to read to Mrs. Curley. Like many of the commenters, she didn't realize it was parody til halfway through. Isn't it sad that things so close to the awful truth can be so funny? Parody like this also points out the flaws in the 'personally opposed, publically in favor' philosophy.


Just another friendly reminder that Russell Shaw's "Catholic Laity in the Mission of the Church" is on 2nd printing pre-order special (20% off)-which is due to arrive in the next week or so. Order your copy(s) here .


I think I have mentioned before that Mrs. Curley & I have, at various times tried to get into the habit of saying Night Prayer together. Lately we have had some success. Night prayer is so peaceful both after a hard day and at the time of death.

I recall the night before my father died that I thankfully had the presence of mind (or the inspiration from my Guardian Angel) to bring my Liturgy of the Hours with me when I left SC in hurry to get to my father's side in MA as he approached death. Those of the family who were at the hospital when I arrived at 1:00 am said Night Prayer with me. A time I won't forget.

The psalms are selected so carefully. Contemplate these lines from last night's prayer (from the selections in the 1-volume):

In you, my God, my body will rest in hope.....

Preserve me, God, I take refuge in you.
I say to the Lord: "You are my God.
My happiness lies in you alone."

(These words last night call to mind this past Sunday's Gospel about putting your treasure in Heaven.) Try it! Night prayer really ends the day well and prepares you for rest in Christ.


Am off to Mass this morning and will have to face the music after Mass. But it will be worthwhile to see Fr. John.


Finally, our chicks made it through the night. We lost one yesterday, but it looked pretty far gone when we picked up the box from the post office.

Will check in later.

Oremus pro invicem!

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