Saturday, July 07, 2007

Well, I read the translation of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum (here). It is short and of limited scope. The MP does not seem to anticipate that the 'freeing of the 1962 Missal' is going to change much...

Here is how I see the evolution (for what it is worth). I note that religious orders and institutes have more freedom in requesting and using the 1962 Missal. This will be the main growth area and consequently those communities frequenting these religious order liturgies will be most affected by the 'freeing'. The main outgrowth of use, and ultimately the impetus for a revised missal (which takes the good of the 1962 and the 1970 missals) will come mainly from this avenue. Although certainly, the parishes which are allowed to be set up with the use of the 1962 Missal will also figure in this movement.

I just hope that traditional Catholics will work charitably with those who are 'attached' to the 1970 Missal in their parishes so that this can be a point of increased faith and unity and not disunity and fracture among good-hearted people as I have seen in places over similar issues.

Thanks be to God for this development and to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI for this letter.

Oremus pro invicem!


TS said...

Well said, excellent post. Helpful.

As for whether a light blue jacket matches the shirt, I would say "yes" but what I know about fashion is similar to what I know about nuclear physics.

Anonymous said...

No, light blue does not match red. Definitely. Sorry! --Agnes