Thursday, March 23, 2006

newspapers, 'Crunchy Cons', book sales and parody

Had my "newspaper route" this morning. It really changes how I start my day-but I'm not complaining. It just means I have less time to check what is going on in the world before I start concentrating on our little world right here.

I note that Caelum et Terra is keeping an update for interesting discussions on the "Crunchy Con" blog at NRO. (BTW, if you want to buy the book, we link to somewhere way down on the sidebar.).

From Zenit: "More than 40,000 pre-publication sales of the Compendium have been recorded -- and the number is steadily climbing, says the bishops' Web site." (Now why don't RequiemPress books pre-pub sales go so well...?)

The Curt Jester points us to this hilarious but true (aren't most funny things those which have lots of truth in them) parody.

More later...

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