Monday, February 28, 2005

National Exposure for Requiem Press????

Friday Dom Bettinelli ( was interviewed on MSNBC, see details here. I believe they showed a snapshot of his blog coverpage on TV. And they put a link to on the MSNBC website - (I don't know if it is still there). What has this got to do Requiem Press?

We have had a blog-ad running on for two weeks, and on Friday morning as the first one was set to expire, we put on a new one for our new book, "Prayers in the Presence of the Holy Eucharist for the Church Suffering".

Thus our 15 minutes of fame.

I can't tell if this sudden fame has helped increase business, but if it has, it hasn't done much.

From the small holding in Bethune....

Oremus pro invicem!

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