We still have kale from the fall garden, and spinach. Funny because of all the spinach I planted, only 2 plants came up. But then a couple weeks ago I found my original spinach coming up all over the place. Maybe I planted it too deep.
In any event, I won't have to plant any this spring. I should be putting broccoli in the ground tomorrow with any luck.
The chickens are making a slow comeback on the egg-laying front. We were getting 20+ eggs a day before the cold weather hit. With the cold and shortened days, the chickens were down to 4 or 5 a day. Now it appears they are coming back. 10 - 12 a day.
I like to keep chickens at least 2 seasons, so if they can rebound to close to 20 a day I will be really happy.
Oremus pro invicem!
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