Friday, February 28, 2025

Broccoli or not

I put in 32 broccoli plants last Friday. Unfortunately, one of my chickens didn't want to wait until it was ready for me to harvest before going after almost every leaf ....

The chickens are picking up a little in their laying. In the peak we were getting 20 eggs a day. This went down to 4-5 a day in the midst of mid-January. Now we are getting a dozen a day +/- 1 or 2. I am hopeful these 2nd year chickens get back up to 15-18 a day. I will be more than happy with that.

Still cutting wood for next winter. I had a couple chainsaw problems which has slowed me down. There is plenty of wood out there to take - much more than I can get this year, but I will do my best. I like to finish cutting by March 1st as this is when planting starts in earnest. Once again I didn't make this deadline.

Oremus pro invicem!

Friday, February 21, 2025

Kale and Spinach

We still have kale from the fall garden, and spinach. Funny because of all the spinach I planted, only 2 plants came up. But then a couple weeks ago I found my original spinach coming up all over the place. Maybe I planted it too deep. 

In any event, I won't have to plant any this spring. I should be putting broccoli in the ground tomorrow with any luck.

The chickens are making a slow comeback on the egg-laying front. We were getting 20+ eggs a day before the cold weather hit. With the cold and shortened days, the chickens were down to 4 or 5 a day. Now it appears they are coming back. 10 - 12 a day. 

I like to keep chickens at least 2 seasons, so if they can rebound to close to 20 a day I will be really happy.

Oremus pro invicem!