Friday, May 31, 2024

Really, I am not that old ...

but, I am seeing more and more limitations. I had major surgery 18 months ago, and I have nerve damage in my left hand which will never recover. 

This limitation (besides creaking joints and lower back pain) is being made clear to me around the homestead. Gardening seems to be unaffected, but as Thomas and I and slaughtered a hog this morning, we both realized that you don't want to be around a man with a knife who can't feel half his fingers! 

A few years ago I had to kill and process a hog by myself (as opposed to with others). I know now that won't ever happen again. I will always need help now, which is how it should be anyway. Hog-killing is a community activity.

Oremus pro invicem!


Jim Dorchak said...

Yes I know just how you feel. I turned 61 this past March. Back, hands, neck, and loss of balance from the spinal deterioration have taken their toll on me too. I am lucky enough that our Thomas now 16 is here to help me.
Kind of funny you with your Thomas and me with mine 5,000 miles away doing the same things.
We have been asked by our local town to remove 24 big trees from along our road or they will remove them for the road widening and if they do the work they get the wood, if we do the work we get the wood. So it looks like I will not be permitted to get any older at least till this job is done.
I can not complain. God has been pretty good to us. Jim in Chile

Jim Curley said...

Good to hear from you Jim. Miss you and the family. Wish I could come down and help with those trees. Cheers!

Jim Dorchak said...

You are welcome any time. Come on. We have two houses or a main house and a cabin. So please come. Jim