Friday, October 23, 2020

Two recent quotes...

First saw this at TS: originally from a Peggy Noonan column. This is a quote from Judge Barrett, the context is not important (to me) just a good thing to remember.

“If life is really hard, at least it’s short.”

Speaking of Peggy Noonan, I remember reading her: What Happened at the Revolution about the Reagan administration. I can still remember a few of her stories about Reagan even though I read the book decades ago.

The 2nd quote I would recommend comes from a Michael Warren Davis article at Crisis Magazine.

So, let’s be very clear: One of the first principles of Catholic social teaching is that immoral acts must not be given legal sanction. That’s why the Church plainly teaches that abortion (CCC, 2273) and pornography (CCC, 2354) should be prohibited by law. We as Catholics believe that civil authorities must not condone vice, even implicitly.

I think the context is very clear!

Oremus pro invicem!


Charlie said...

I think we need to drop the originalist garbage and go back to natural law jurisprudence. They can amend the Constitution, and they will.

Jim Curley said...

I used to be news hound. Read multiple papers, watched and listened to news all day. I wrote letters to the editor all the time. I had no peace. My wife had all the peace. She cared about things, but had the good sense not to immerse her life in things that caused her upset. I finally learned. Now I read enough headlines to know whether we are at war or not, who's running for president but not much more, and not many details .... But Pope Francis upsets me. I know I should retreat to prayer, and let God take care of him, but ......

Charlie said...

There is no peace in this world. As for the Bishop in White, nothing he says or does scandalizes me. I am just patiently waiting for the rest of the world to catch up to what I already know about him.